Student Book Links
Unit 1- The U. S. Constitution: Then and Now
Essential Question: Why do laws continue to evolve?
In this unit, students read and compare selections about the development of laws and about people who have fought to change unfair laws to analyze why laws evolve.
Developing Characters' Relationships
Student Book Link
Essential Question
Why do we value certain qualities in people?
In this unit, students read selections from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and other stories to compare and analyze the characters.
Unit 3: Cultivating Natural Resources
Student Book Link
Essential Question
How do we decide which resources we should develop?
In this unit, students read and compare selections about cultivating food in the past and today to understand how we develop our natural resources.
Unit 4: Recognizing Author's Point of View
Essential Question: How can other perspectives help us evaluate the world?
In this unit, students read and compare the different perspectives in selections to analyze point of view.
Unit 5: Technology’s Impact on Society
Essential Question
What value does technology bring to people’s lives?
In this unit, students will read and compare literary and nonfiction selections about the role that technology has played in people’s lives.